Why We Help
Jason and Angela Stearns’ daughter Grace was a beacon of light. She always had a heart for others, and wanted to help others. She spent a month in the hospital, after her fourth open-heart surgery, at the age of nine. While there Angela and Jason realized the huge financial burden placed on a family, when they have a child who has to be in the hospital for an extended time period. Grace also realized this and really had a heart towards all the families in the hospital with her, knowing that they too were most likely facing this same burden.
While they were in the hospital, Grace had a great idea. And that was to start a nonprofit to help those families with this financial burden. To help them keep some sort of focus on what mattered most, their family and child who needed their attention.
Unfortunately, Grace passed away a little over a month after getting out of the hospital, and never got to see her dream come into fruition, while here on earth. Jason and Angela started this in her honor, with her heart, to see this great need helped.
Meet the team

Jason Stearns
CEO and Founder

Angela Stearns
Co Founder